Concrete stones or pavers give the landscape a “finished” appearance by producing crisp, neat borders. Edging with concrete stones will accentuate and separate your lawn from the driveway, path or garden bed. Grass roots will remain out of the garden bed and dirt, and mulch and bedding plants will not end up in the lawn. Concrete stones come in a variety of forms and colors, some resembling natural bricks or stone. Place concrete stones so they rise a couple of inches above the ground or install them as mowing strips, flush with the ground.
Kinds of Concrete Edging Stones
Concrete pavers, used for paths, driveways and retaining walls, can also serve as edging stones, even though some pavers are specifically made for edging. Some concrete pavers interlock for greater stability of the edge. Concrete pavers can resemble natural stones with irregular shapes and textured surfaces on multiple faces of the stone. Colors range from light gray to dark gray with yellow, bluish or red colors. These concrete stones work well for straight or curved edges. Concrete brick pavers come in light gray and red. Some frequent concrete edging stones are terracotta-colored and have a scalloped top.
Raised Stone Edging
Concrete stone edging that rises several inches over the ground shows off the beauty of the edging stone. Elevated stone competition is the simplest kind of concrete paver edging, but should you separate garden beds from lawn with raised stone edging, then you may have trouble mowing grass next to the edge. To install a concrete stone edge, dig a ditch or trench to accommodate the paving stone and leave room for one or two inches of sand or gravel at the bottom. Tamp down the gravel or sand and lay the pavers lengthwise or vertically. Ensure paver stones are flat. If you use interlocking edging pavers, check that they’re combined.
Mowing Strip
Mowing strips, such as increased paver edging, separate the lawn from garden beds, pathways and driveways. They lie flush with the ground so that mower wheels can go over them and decrease extra trimming and lawn maintenance. Mowing strips often incorporate bricks or brick pavers. The mowing strip can also be combined with an adjacent raised concrete stone edge. By way of example, stand concrete pavers upon end to your increased edge and set them flat to your mowing strip. Put in a mowing strip like a lifted edging but make the ditch area wider and not as deep.
Mowing strips along with the combination of mowing strip and raised paver edge usually require much more concrete pavers than a raised edge lonely, so they will be more expensive. When choosing to set up a raised concrete stone edge, consider not only price and look but in addition if a raised edge will present a tripping hazard. If you stay in a region where frost occurs, pavers may move out of place once the ground heaves. Interlocking edging pavers only provide horizontal stability.